ECFD workshop, 4th edition, 2021
- 1 Description
- 2 News
- 3 Objectives
- 4 Agenda
- 5 Thematics / Mini-workshops
- 5.1 Combustion - B. Cuenot, CERFACS
- 5.2 Dynamic mesh adaptation - G. Balarac, LEGI
- 5.3 Multi-phase flows - V. Moureau, CORIA
- 5.4 Numerics - G. Lartigue, CORIA
- 5.5 Turbulent flows - P. Bénard, CORIA
- 5.6 User experience - R. Mercier, SAFRAN TECH
- 5.7 Fluid structure interaction - S. Mendez, IMAG
- 5.8 GENCI Hackathon - G. Staffelbach, CERFACS
- Virtual event from 22nd to 26th of March 2021
- Two types of sessions:
- common technical presentations: roadmaps, specific points.
- mini-workshops. Potential workshops are listed below.
- Free of charge
- More than 50 participants from academics (CERFACS, CORIA, IMAG, LEGI, UMONS, UVM, VUB), HPC center/experts (GENCI, IDRIS, NVIDIA, HPE) and industry (Safran, Ariane Group).
Annoncements on Linkedin
- Bring together experts in high-performance computing, applied mathematics and multi-physics CFDs
- Identify the technological barriers of exaflopic CFD via numerical experiments
- Identify industrial needs and challenges in high-performance computing
- Propose action plans to add to the development roadmaps of the AVBP and YALES2 codes
Plénière 1
Lundi 22/03/2021 9h00-9h20
Introduction (organisation, agenda semaine, etc.)
V. Moureau (CORIA), G. Balarac (LEGI), C. Piechurski (GENCI)
Plénière 2
Lundi 22/03/2021 9h20-11h20
Présentation des projets du workshop et Présentation des thématiques du hackathon
Responsables de projets
Plénière 3
Lundi 22/03/2021 11h20-12h00
Contrat de Progrès Jean Zay: Véhicule d'accompagnement des utilisateurs au portage des applications sur les nouvelles technologies
P.-F. Lavallée (IDRIS)
Plénière 4
Mardi 23/03/2021 9h00-10h00
Evolution de la programmation GPU – CUDA, OpenACC, Standard Langages (C++, Fortran)
F. Courteille (NVIDIA)
Plénière 5
Mercredi 24/03/2021 13h00-14h00
Le portage applicatif sur GPU de AVBP et Yales 2: Concrêtement comment cela se matérialise?
G. Staffelbach (CERFACS) & V. Moureau (CORIA)
Plénière 6
Jeudi 25/03/2021 9h00-10h00
Approche et démarche pour accompagner le portage d'un code sur GPU NVIDIA
P.-E. Bernard (HPE)
Plénière 7
Vendredi 26/03/2021 9h00-10h00
Roadmaps YALES2 & AVBP
V. Moureau (CORIA) & N. Odier (CERFACS)
Plénière 8
Vendredi 26/03/2021 15h00-17h00
Wrap-up : présentation des résultats et conclusion générale
Responsables de projets + V. Moureau (CORIA)
Thematics / Mini-workshops
These mini-workshops may change and cover more or less topics. This page will be adapted according to your feedback.
Combustion - B. Cuenot, CERFACS
- H2 and alternative fuels combustion
- turbulent combustion modeling
Dynamic mesh adaptation - G. Balarac, LEGI
- anisotropic mesh adaptation
- adaptation criteria for anisotropic mesh adaptation
- adaptation of periodic domains
Multi-phase flows - V. Moureau, CORIA
- scalar transport in two-phase flows
- three-phase flows: contact angle
Numerics - G. Lartigue, CORIA
- implicit time integration for compressible/incompressible flows
- higher-order finite-volume schemes
- finite-volume schemes for anisotropic meshes
Turbulent flows - P. Bénard, CORIA
- turbulence injection
- wall modeling
- rotor modeling for wind or hydro turbines applications
- advanced post processing for unsteady turbulence
User experience - R. Mercier, SAFRAN TECH
- automation & workflows for HPC
- on-line and off-line analysis of massive datasets
Fluid structure interaction - S. Mendez, IMAG
This project gathered three sub-projects related to fluid-structure interactions (FSI). Their common feature was the FSI solver from YALES2, which is based on a partitioned approach. The FSI solver couples an Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian solver for predicting the fluid motion in a moving domain (FSI_ALE) and a solver for structural dynamics (FSI_SMS), which are both YALES2 solvers. The FSI solver is quite recent and initiated by Thomas Fabbri (LEGI, Grenoble) and the object was to spread its use among several teams, with the objective to improve its performances, demonstrate its versatility and add multiphysics effects.
- Sub-project 1 (Thomas Fabbri and Guillaume Balarac, LEGI): The aim of this sub-project was to decrease the time spent in computing the fluid grid deformation, which is currently the most costly part inside an iteration. The strategy is to solve a deformation field on a coarse mesh and apply it to a fine mesh after interpolation. Many pieces exist to perform such a task, but they are currrently not appropriate for this application. The work performed during the workshop consisted in identifying the different subroutines of interest and start coding the method. Many parts of the method are functional and the next step is to properly compbine them where needed.
- Sub-project 2 (Barthélémy Thibaud and Simon Mendez, IMAG): The aim of this sub-project was to validate the FSI solver in the case of a valve bent by a pulsatile flow. A proper strategy has been defined during the week to run this simulation and the first results are extremely promising, with fair comparisons with the reference results from the literature. This workshop has also contributed in enhacing the experience of the solver at IMAG.
- Sub-project 3 (Likhitha Ramesh Reddy and Axelle Viré, TU Delft and Pierre Bénard, CORIA): The aim of this sub-project is to perform simulations of the flow around floatting wind turbines, which constitutes a huge challenge, as it gathers the difficulties of wind tubines flows, two-phase flows, and fluid-structure interaction between a fluid and a solid of similar density. During the workshop, the aim was to progress on two aspects: the use of the two-phase flow solver of YALES2, SPS, in a moving domain (coupling SPS and ALE) and the coupling with FSI. Both tasks were tackled: preliminary validation simulations were performed for the SPS-ALE solver, and the strategy to couple the SPS-ALE solver with the FSI has been clearly identified within the group.
- Common work: Sub-project 3 needs to perform FSI with deformation of the structure, so that the coupling with the SMS solver may not be indispensable. Tests were performed to study the ability of the SMS to work in a regime of very stiff mateiral to mimic rigid bodies, and first tests were very convincing. In the future however, it is planned to implement a rigid-body motion solver in YALES2 as an alternative to SMS. This task gathers the four teams of the project and is a clear objective of the next months.
- Bugs and cleaning: minor bugs were identified in the FSI solver, mostly related to options rarely used. There were corrected and pushed in the YALES2 gitlab.
- Documentation: the information shared between participants for the use and understading of the SMS and FSI solvers has been directly gathered in the YALES2 wiki:
GENCI Hackathon - G. Staffelbach, CERFACS
- Porting to GPU with OpenACC