ECFD workshop, 2nd edition, 2019
From Extreme CFD workshop
- Event from 28th of January to 1st of February 2019 @ CERFACS, Toulouse, France
- Two types of sessions:
- common technical presentations: roadmaps, specific points.
- mini-workshops. Potential workshops are listed below.
- Free of charge
- Around 30 participants from academics (CERFACS, CORIA, EM2C, IMAG, IMFT, LEGI) and industry (Safran)
- Bring together experts in high-performance computing, applied mathematics and multi-physics CFDs
- Identify the technological barriers of exaflopic CFD via numerical experiments
- Identify industrial needs and challenges in high-performance computing
- Propose action plans to add to the development roadmaps of the AVBP and YALES2 codes